Dustin Erhart

Dustin Erhart makes his $700 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payment last as long as he is able, but typically comes up short most months attempting the feed himself and his 17-year-old son, Gage. The single father has found a needed resource at Ministry on the Margins in Bismarck, a partner agency of the Great Plains Food Bank.

Joddie Samelson

Joddie Samelson (shown left) appreciates the assistance of her son Matt (shown right) when she visits the Kidder County Food Pantry in Steele each month. Following a stroke, Joddie no longer has use of her right arm so the extra help is needed. Living on a fixed income, the food she receives through this Great Plains Food Bank partner agency can last her three weeks and she doesn’t know what she would do if it wasn’t an option.

Phyllis Bauer and Dennis Hickman

Through a number of different circumstances, neighbors Phyllis Bauer and Dennis Hickman have formed a bond. A part of that friendship includes traveling together to the Great Plains Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry when it stops in Milnor. The food they are able to receive there lasts each of them a month and has helped Phyllis fill a void after her husband passed away last year.

Matt Stubstad

Stricken with rheumatoid arthritis and advanced age, Matt Stubstad’s mother needs his full-time attention. Without serving as her primary caregiver, the alternative is that she be placed in a nursing home, which Matt doesn’t have the heart to do. Seeking needed food assistance through the Dorothy Day Food Pantry in West Fargo, a partner agency of the Great Plains Food Bank, has allowed Matt to continue to be the primary caregiver for his mother.

Mckenzie and Zachary

Mckenzie is quick to admit she doesn’t try to be a single mom to her special needs son, Zachary, all by herself. She leans on those close to her, including the Emergency Food Pantry, a partner agency of the Great Plains Food Bank, for help. Zachary is severely autistic with medical conditions that can make life for the small family difficult. Read about all those that have come to the side of the small family to help them get by.

Thomas Rude

A United States Army veteran, times get tough for Thomas Rude and his wife. Each struggle with medical issues and the couple sees their fixed income fall short at the end of most months. They find the Great Plains Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry provides a boost each time it stops in Rugby.

“It Depends”

There are times when there is not enough food in the house to feed LoShay’s family of six. Both her parents work hard, but still struggle to put enough food on the table. A backpack LoShay receives each week from the Great Plains Food Bank helps supplement those times when food is scarce.

Patrick Schmid

A father of four, Patrick Schmid and his wife were financially stable until the demand of too many years spent in physical labor took its toll on Patrick. Following two shattered hips and other physical ailments, Patrick became unable to work and began collecting disability payments, but the loss of income became too great. The family sought emergency food assistance while Patrick also went the extra mile in helping others.

Living month-to-month

Previously homeless, Murphy has learned the importance of balancing her finances on a limited income. And even with being frugal with her budget, she still falls short at the end of some months. Food assistance through the Great Plains Food Bank partner agency network has helped her stretch her income as far as she can.

Harka Maya Monger

Gardening has been a part of Harka Maya Monger’s life since birth in the country of Buhtan. Now the low-income family of five lives in Fargo where Harka’s local community garden has allowed her to continue gardening. This along with assistance from a Great Plains Food Bank partner food pantry allows the family the nutrition they need.